Beginning on March 4, 2011 until the proposed Bennett landfill issue is resolved, 100% of the donations made to Preserve Chatham County will be forwarded to the group of concerned citizens in Bennett and surrounding communities who are engaged with PCC in preventing Branch Properties LLC from siting a landfill in their community.

                                   We sincerely thank you for your support.

Preserve Chatham County (PCC) is not registered as a non-profit organization at this time. Donations to PCC are not tax deductible. PayPal will email a receipt and you will have the opportunity to print a receipt during the donation process. You must have or open a PayPal account to make your secure donation. PCC will soon rent a PO Box to assist those donors who wish to donate by US mail. Please check back here for the PO Box number.

PCC is grateful for your support. Donations enable PCC to produce print documents for distribution, purchase materials for signs, and have professional signs made. It is possible that PCC will need to seek legal counsel on the landfill issue in the near future. PCC is a volunteer organization. Your entire donation will be used to support our efforts to prevent a landfill from being sited anywhere in Chatham County.

Official PayPal Seal