March 4, 2011
Less than two months after the Chatham County Board of Commissioners (BOC) voted to stop the County led landfill siting process, a Lee County citizen, doing business as Branch Properties LLC, has announced plans to build a regional landfill, a construction/demolition landfill, a materials recovery facility, and a waste water treatment plant (necessary to process the leachate produced by the landfills) on approximately 2,400 acres in the beautiful, rural "flatwoods" area of Bennett, located in southwest Chatham County. Mr. Branch held a public meeting on February 22nd to present his plan to the Bennett Community.
Preserve Chatham County (PCC) expects the majority of our Commissioners to maintain their recent publicly stated position that Chatham County has no need for a landfill at this time. PCC is actively working with our Solid Waste Advisory Committee and the BOC to move forward with a sustainable, affordable, environmentally friendly method of solid waste disposal. Please continue to check our website for further developments on the proposed Bennett landfill. Thanks to each of you for making your concerns known.
This website is a community resource created by a group of concerned citizens, called Preserve Chatham County (PCC), to bring awareness to county issues that have the potential to affect our quality of life, our safety and well being, and the ability to enjoy and preserve our environment.
Use the menu above to access information about how landfills affect our health and our environment.
Please become engaged in this issue. Make your concerns known. Help stop a landfill in pristine Bennett NC in rural Chatham County.
Please become engaged in this issue. Make your concerns known. Help stop a landfill in pristine Bennett NC in rural Chatham County.
Consider the impact, sights and sounds of this landfill in contrast with a usable alternative such as the process which creates 'Fluff' by WastAway.